
Giving money is not the only way to help!
Much of what the Florida Black Bear Scenic Byway aims to achieve calls for boots on the ground. What can happen when a group of people pool their energy is incredible. Anyone can help!
- If you love to get outdoors, we could use help organizing/running tours.
- We always need people to help “hold down the fort” at the event booth. Just “showing up” is a great help, taking the burden off a small pool of people.
- All organizations, including ours, can use technical help. Are you great with Social media or the web? You might help us reach another level of engagement!
- Our organization is open and welcoming – you only need a good attitude and a willingness to contribute some time, and you can help.
Before we can build a more robust membership and provide member benefits, we must strengthen our organization again, and you can be a part of the journey with us at any level.
If you are interested in volunteering, please email us using our contact form.